Saturday, January 21, 2012

book 6

With a Little Luck by Caprice Crane
303 pages

i loved this book from the start.  seriously, i always say that, but really truly loved it.  when i came to it in my pile, i was a little eh about reading it because caprice crane is an author i have never read before.  sometimes that causes me a little hesitation, since i'm unsure if it's going to be horrible.. another amazon recommendation.  but wow, i was completely blown away.  i was so into this book that when we were watching a movie this morning, my boyfriend got up to use the little boy's room and i picked it up and read during the two minutes he was gone. that how good with a little luck was.

with a little luck is a story about a woman named Berry (short for Beryl), who is a radio DJ in LA.  She is very superstitious.  she is also VERY funny.  i really wanted her to be happy in the end (although, let's face it - this is chick lit. she would be happy in the end).  she totally buys into all the hype and superstitions about everything - black cats, rabbits feet, horseshoes, and bad things happening in threes, just to name a few.  when she meets man number three, she is sure it won't work as he would be the bad third, so it's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  i won't give anything else away, but suffice it to say that she is very funny, very real, and someone i would definitely want to be friends with if she were a real person.

i will be adding every other book written by caprice crane to my amazon wishlist today, and possibly ordering them when i get paid next week.  i cannot wait to read everything she's written, and i am hopeful that they are all just as amazing as this book was!

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